The Little Memoir That Could!

This little book is a memoir of the young life of Gloria Humphrey as she journeyed to become a mature adult. It also gives tribute to loved ones who carefully formed her childhood with warm hands of love and discipline. Ultimately, it is a book of her beginnings, which laid a foundation of transformation through mountains and valleys that led her to freedom and wholeness in Jesus Christ.

The Poetic Devotion Collection: Available Now!

The Poetic Devotion Collection is filled with intriguing analogies that allow readers to imagine the poems as they were encountered while opening up areas of spiritual awareness. Inside each edition is a variety of themes moving from inspiration to transformation, short stories and enriching meditations. Additionally, a one act play is also included.

Poetic Ancients: The Prophet Hosea

The Prophet Hosea

Hosea is listed as the first of the twelve minor prophets in the Hebrew Bible. He was active in the 8th century BCE and his ministry extended over 60 years, from King Jeroboam II (787-747 BCE) to King Hoseah (731-722 BCE). He was one of the first to write down his prophecies. Hosea (“salvation”) may have derived from Joshua (“he saves”). -Encyclopedia

“The prophet is a poet. His experience is one known to the poets. What the poets know as poetic inspiration, the prophets call divine revelation. . . . The inspiration of the artist is what is meant by “the hand of the Lord which rests upon the prophet.”

What makes the difference between the prophet and the ordinary person is the possession of a heightened and unified awareness of certain aspects of life. Like a poet, he is endowed with sensibility, enthusiasm, and tenderness, and above all, with a way of thinking imaginatively. Prophecy is the product of poetic imagination. Prophecy is poetry, and in poetry everything is possible, [such as] for the trees to celebrate a birthday, and for God to speak to [humans]. The statement “God’s word came to me” was employed by the prophet as a figure of speech, as a poetic image.” -Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel

The Book of Hosea Summary:

Glorious Fashion Magazine: The Winter Issue

Glorious Fashion Magazine communicates the Character of God through faith based subjects that promote spiritual growth and inner beauty while featuring travel destinations from all over the world. It is also a platform that showcases moderate styles and trends for men and women with creative passion. This winter issue spotlights a variety of topics that will help you stay healthy and flawless all season long even while dashing through the snow.

Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!

“to give up one’s very self – to think only of others – how to bring the greatest happiness to others – that is the true meaning of Christmas.”
The Nativity

Happy Feast Day of the Circumcision of Jesus Christ (and first time gave his blood for a sinful humanity.) Not many people realize that New Year is a Christian Festival. 1st Jan marks the Day that Jesus was presented in the Temple, formally received the name “Jesus,” and was circumcised. Time is divided between BC (Before Christ) and AD (Anno Domini; “And when eight days were fulfilled for circumcising him, his name was called Jesus, which was so called by the angel before he was conceived in the womb.” (Luke 2:21.) -Psephizo

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