The Little Memoir That Could!

This little book is a memoir of the young life of Gloria Humphrey as she journeyed to become a mature adult. It also gives tribute to loved ones who carefully formed her childhood with warm hands of love and discipline. Ultimately, it is a book of her beginnings, which laid a foundation of transformation through mountains and valleys that led her to freedom and wholeness in Jesus Christ.

Writing Voice Over Scripts Just Got Easier

Recently while preparing for a script production project, I found these essential tips very helpful. 

1. Always write the way you speak
In most instances, you’re writing for the ear, not the eye. As a result, the way you write should be more informal. Some pro copywriters make use of ‘image-training’. They imagine someone sitting in front of them for and to whom they are writing. A typical customer, maybe?

The key here is to use common, everyday words and avoid stuck-in-the-mud adverbs like ‘moreover’, ‘thus’, and ‘therefore’. Using contractions instantly makes everything you write more conversational — and that’s a good thing.

2. Get to the point as quickly as you can
Attention spans are short — and they’re getting shorter. Ensure you get to the point quickly in your voice over script or you’re going to lose your audience. They’ll just click past or scroll on by. Focus on what matters.

Make use of what some call ‘intelligent simplicity’ — that which is easy and effective. Be straightforward as well as to-the-point about your product or service.

3. Learn from others
The advantage of online video platforms like YouTube and Vimeo is that you have access to an absolute abundance of material you can learn from. Using a search term like ‘the best commercials’ will probably provide you with the inspiration you need to write your voice over script.

Old Spice ran a brilliant, humorous TV campaign for their timeless men’s cologne that caused quite a stir and strengthened their brand — and it’s no secret: clever humor rarely fails.

30-second radio commercials that have stood the test of time or are currently receiving rave reviews will offer you considerable insight. Learn how to write your voice over script for maximum impact.

The format is usually: say it; explain it; repeat it. The opening sentence must grab your attention and make you want to know more. The detail follows and gets repeated.

4. Use only one voice
Be consistent. Whether you’re writing in First, Second, or Third Person, keep to one of them throughout. If you jump from one to the other or jump from First Person Singular to First Person Plural, you’ll cause confusion in the mind of your listener. Consistency will make your voice over script more credible. Believability always sticks and top-of-mind is the best place for your product or service to be.

5. Keep sentences short and easy to grasp
This applies to any kind of writing when it’s aimed at the ear, but perhaps even more so in an eLearning or explainer environment. We’re not suggesting what you write in your voice over script must sound stilted or overly simplistic; not at all! What you say, however, mustn’t force your listener or viewer to constantly seek out the replay button because they didn’t understand something. Go for shorter sentences and vary their length — which is a lot like the way we speak.

Try to put across one idea per sentence and strip your sentences of any superfluous adjectives and adverbs. Keep. It. Simple.

It’s crucial to keep in mind that writing truly great voice over scripts is an art, but it’s also a craft that can be learned. Write, then do some more; and keep at it, because practice makes perfect.

The Poetic Devotion Collection: Available Now!

The Poetic Devotion Collection is filled with intriguing analogies that allow readers to imagine the poems as they were encountered while opening up areas of spiritual awareness. Inside each edition is a variety of themes moving from inspiration to transformation, short stories and enriching meditations. Additionally, a one act play is also included.

Poetic Ancients: The Prophet Hosea

The Prophet Hosea

Hosea is listed as the first of the twelve minor prophets in the Hebrew Bible. He was active in the 8th century BCE and his ministry extended over 60 years, from King Jeroboam II (787-747 BCE) to King Hoseah (731-722 BCE). He was one of the first to write down his prophecies. Hosea (“salvation”) may have derived from Joshua (“he saves”). -Encyclopedia

“The prophet is a poet. His experience is one known to the poets. What the poets know as poetic inspiration, the prophets call divine revelation. . . . The inspiration of the artist is what is meant by “the hand of the Lord which rests upon the prophet.”

What makes the difference between the prophet and the ordinary person is the possession of a heightened and unified awareness of certain aspects of life. Like a poet, he is endowed with sensibility, enthusiasm, and tenderness, and above all, with a way of thinking imaginatively. Prophecy is the product of poetic imagination. Prophecy is poetry, and in poetry everything is possible, [such as] for the trees to celebrate a birthday, and for God to speak to [humans]. The statement “God’s word came to me” was employed by the prophet as a figure of speech, as a poetic image.” -Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel

The Book of Hosea Summary:

Glorious Fashion Magazine: The Winter Issue

Glorious Fashion Magazine communicates the Character of God through faith based subjects that promote spiritual growth and inner beauty while featuring travel destinations from all over the world. It is also a platform that showcases moderate styles and trends for men and women with creative passion. This winter issue spotlights a variety of topics that will help you stay healthy and flawless all season long even while dashing through the snow.

Unmasking The Stigma Surrounding Motorcyclist

Photo by Gloria Humphrey

I must admit I had sort of a negative perception of motorcyclists, especially if they drove a Harley. But all that changed recently when I met a few while traveling through Wyoming during the Sturgis rally. I happen to meet an Army Veteran who supports victims enslaved in trafficking through the sale of coffee. Saints and Sippers is owned by him and his wife who also travel around the world on their beautiful pearl white motorcycle. Also, while sipping on your coffee please enjoy reading my story of The Coffee Shop: The Second Act in The Emergency Room Series

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